Using digital to add value to customers

How we created a digital Knowledge Base for AUMA 

In the water utilities sector, tenders for long-term frameworks can often feel like a tick-box exercise. We're always looking to support our customers with  added-value thinking, which is how the AUMA Knowledge Base came into being. It's an online, digital portal that provides AUMA Actuators Limited's framework customers with protected access to secure content, including contract information, video technical guides, and 'how to' documents, as well as a customer support feature for rapid response to technician on-site technical questions.  

What is a Knowledge Base? 

A knowledge base is a self-serve customer service library that includes information about a product, service, or topic that helps customers find answers so they can solve problems on their own. AUMA Actuators Limited has frameworks with most of the UK's water companies for the supply and service of electric actuators.

Water engineers can be called to sites in remote locations, as well as at any time of day or night, so it's essential that, if required, they can access key technical information using a mobile device. The AUMA Knowledge Base provides unique content to each customer, which is accessed via a secure, personal password protected log in. Once in the relevant water company Knowledge Base, information is quickly and simply reviewed by navigating the Knowledge Base pages. Video files are compressed so they can be viewed even in areas where mobile signals may be poor.

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 The AUMA Knowledge Base is accessible directly from the company's website using a customer-branded tiled navigation.


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